Jonas Ong
I am a|
I have a passion in integrating Web3 solutions into applications and innovating new solutions to software projects.
Staff Engineer
Developed iOS SDKs and Apps that implement edge AI. Improved performance-critical backend software in the blockchain technology stack.
AI Engineer
Worked with artificial neural networks for self-driving vehicles and developed raindrop augmentation software for training images
B.Eng (Hons)
Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Hons), specialising in info-communications engineering and computer engineering.
Blockchain and its Uses
A gamified reward system on the blockchain, verifying purchases with cryptography and rewarding users with cryptocurrency and NFTs as vouchers.
Welcome! J.Wallet is an integrated web wallet used for interacting on the polygon blockchain. Create or import a wallet to get started!
Wallet Creation
Set a password to secure your wallet.
No wallet found, this error shouldn't happen, please refresh your page.
Unlock a FREE Character on the Blockchain!
Step 1: Create a wallet using the integrated J.Wallet above.
Step 2: Get FREE matic coins by pasting your wallet address (starts with 0x....) displayed in your wallet below:
Get Free Matic tokens once every 24 hours.
Step 3: Click the "Unlock Character" button below and see which character you receive!
Log in to your Wallet first!